There were a bunch of explosions

Outside my house like a block away something caught fire it was insane!! Freaked me out it rattled my whole house!! I hope everyone’s safe. Tbh I’m worried it might be arson… But just holy ■■■■ that was unexpected


It turns out it was somebody’s shed and apparently their car and trailer caught fire. Nobody was hurt. But it’s under investigation now

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Wow! It’s good nobody got hurt.

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Yeah I’m so relieved! The flames were crazy they were taller than the houses!

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Whoa, that’s scary. I wouldn’t have handled that very well.

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Yeah I panicked quite a bit.

at first I thought someone was trying to break into my house cause the explosion rattled my windows so bad. Then I saw the flames and was like hoooooly ■■■■.

And it was like 2 a.m. the dead of night. Definitely shook me a bit.

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