There is no point in even talking until

The fairer sex seems to feel strongly that I owe them an apology for something I did when I was off my med’s. Perhaps I do owe them an apology, but before that can happen they need to own up to a couple of things they did to me, like constantly intimating that I should commit suicide. Like invading my privacy in a way that can only be described as heinous. So far they refuse to even acknowledge their bad faith and pathological behavior. So to hell with them.

Is that women you are speaking of?

It must’ve slipped through my cracks… I didn’t know of that term of endearment… but I have heard of them called ‘the softer sex’… I think there’s science to that and I just like it… more.

But to bite at all, I’ll say you sound angry… and it’s seemingly a departure from how you come across usually…

Could some of this be attributed to a flare up in symptoms?

I’ve been guilty of criticizing women maybe so let that serve this reply with my own form of credibility in a sense… but I’ll also gently warn you, that I regret all those things I said (or perceived I said(?).

I’m here for you, in this though… if you ever want to equivocate anything, sometimes it’s easy to post when we are in terrible moods!!
: )

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@crimby are you referring to all women? past girlfriends? current lovers? please explain…I want to try to help but it’s unclear what you mean…?

Oh man and here I am in love with a married woman who was my childhood sweetheart that now wants nothing to do with my sorry ass.

“There’s no point of even talking”

Story of my life.


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