The Key (for solving the puzzle), unfortunately, IMO, is in the disordered brain itself.
Let me put it this way. We won’t do anything dangerous if we are AWARE of it. No one risk their lives in doing anything dangerous for no purpose (and even suicidal thought has purpose in it - “to end it all” - but that’s not the theme of this topic).
If we realize or aware that we have fall down, we would stand up again.
If we don’t realize or aware of it, we wouldn’t stand up. --Make sense?
The same applies to brain disorder or at least schizophrenia, the ultimate Key to unlock it so that we are aware that we are mentally sick, is sadly, IMO, remains in the same complex organ where we fall sick.
I don’t know what’s “insight” exactly? Could people with insights know that they are schizophrenic and AT THE SAME TIME they behave and speak normally AND suffer from positive/negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
You can’t use a ‘broken’ brain to repair a ‘broken’ brain. You need something external to fix it, that something external being meds. Then once on meds, maybe talking therapy might help further, or it might not.
I think you have a point here…which I missed out. I need something external.
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Not all of my brain is broken, in fact, most of it functions quite amazingly. (I’m not bragging, but it’s amazing that I can function and have this disease.) Point is, just as one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch, so too can one good brain cell have a positive effect on the rest of the brain.
If I use some of my good brain cells to engage in healthy cognition, a brain network grows. For example; “it’s only my perception that someone can read my thoughts. It’s only my perception that the person over there is coughing and hacking intentionally to upset me and make me angry.” My good brain cells work to make me aware that it’s only a perception.
If I walk over to the coughing hacking person and ask them why they are coughing, they will tell me they have an allergy. Or they have smoker’s cough. They might look at me like I was insane for asking. It’s only my perception that engages in the ideation that they are doing it intentionally to harm me. They outright deny any such intention. I’m the only one who lives in the false reality that they are ‘persecuting’ or being untruthful.
As you wrote, I remain AWARE that I have this illness. I don’t have to have anything to do with it, I can ignore any stimuli in my circumstances or environment that is suspected to be a product of my illness.
This is a good post. I wish I could have see this post earlier.
Then, to you, it is a partial disorder or semi-schizophrenia. That sounds amazing - I hope you can recover the bad brain cells and eliminate the perception or delusion altogether.
I really thank you for your comment.
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