Theory: antipsychotics shut off malfunctioning parts of the brain

It occurred to me that I spent a lot of time every day just sitting there, doing nothing at all, with the occasional thought slowly passing through my mind but it’s not like I’m thinking hard. Then I thought back to the time when I was most psychotic, which was in the year before I first went on antipsychotics, and I figured that if I weren’t on meds, I would probably still just be sitting doing nothing a lot, but I’d be tripping out in psychosis despite taking no illicit drugs rather than feeling mostly blank. It made me think that antipsychotics work by targeting the parts of the brain that have wired the wrong way and stopping communication between neurons. So they shut off the faulty brain activity, but the thing is they replace it with nothing. Hence the blankness.

What do you think?

When I stopped my meds I had more energy. Was walking 8hrs/day almost daily, travelled to other countries, lived on my own, even went to a school abroad for a couple of weeks until I was too paranoid of ppl at school etc
I am more functional off meds but its a matter of a year or 2 until I need hospitalization due to having paranoia, illogical thoughts and inappropriate behavior.

I stopped meds for 2yrs.

Now on meds I am almost always in bed and never go out of the house, a couple of times a year.

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