The world is on lock down...!

hows it going ?? tell us

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I feel my balls every night, and drink tea and feel very content doing it this way. My neighbours also think I’m influencing my mom. That’s my brother, sister in law and now my neighbours

I live in a small mountain town and I wish everyone who doesn’t live here would stay away. People are so stupid.
You know, I wished for a pandemic, but I didn’t think about all the innocent people or that it would cause a breakdown in society/the economy, etc. Or that no one could visit my dad. I didn’t think of anything except thinning out the human population, but it’s never the ass***** who die.

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I’m here at home watching crime shows — bought a ton of vodka just in case I need a liquid PRN — Im holding down the fort quite nicely …
Maybe get into a movie soon — I dunno it’s not the worst day :upside_down_face:

I wished for a pandemic too! High five! Wishes do come true :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::rofl:

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