The wisest on this site

Who is the oldest/wisest person on this site? Don’t worry about bragging.

I’m interested in getting advice.

@shutterbug, and anyone with a job / family in spite of SZ.



Dont see @shutterbug anywhere in site lol

How old is MrSquirrel?

He’s in his 50s.

Has a wife, kid, house and full time job, all while having SZ.

ok, thank you…1515

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No problem. 151t16261

“Be patient young Jake…for little acorn grow…into mighty Oak!”

(Okay, folks. Did that sound wise??) :wink:


Sounded very wise @anon39054230 :sweat_smile::grin:

I think @anon9798425 is wise. As are the mods on here. But I think everyone is intelligent in their own way.


The definition of ‘wise’…

" having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment."

I’d go with @everhopeful by that definition.


Alright, I’m 41 years old…at least I’m wise compared to a six year old.


I miss @anon9798425 's comments. They were full of wit and intelligence.


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@Rhubot is my role model and I really hope she comes back soon.


I’m sure @anon9798425 will be back soon. Everyone needs breaks to rejuvenate.


Thank you, but no. So not a wise man. Mrs. Squirrel will tell you that I am just bright enough to get into trouble.

Stealth mode, baby. I’m mostly concentrating on participating in AA right now. I’m PMing with some members here about alcoholic recovery, which is when I come back here and see notifications. Don’t expect to see me around much for the next half year. My main reason for coming back was to reach out to other alcoholics with MI issues. Most of the face to face 12 Step meetings have shut down because of the virus so we’re trying to be proactive about reaching out to fellow addicts who are at risk of slipping without their regular meetings.

Fifty-one physically. Maybe twelve mentally. I made a paper boat and was playing in a puddle with it over lunch because I felt like it.

The wife has opinions, the kid has OPINIONS (even worse), it’s actually houses (plural) that our renters can’t afford to pay rent for right now (feck!), and the job is gorram depressing because I spend all day cancelling insurance policies for customers who have gone bust. @san_pedro might be onto something with his lottery plans.

And that concludes the check-in. Peace out y’all.



No !

You stay here, or else.

Good to hear from you @shutterbug.

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I’ve heard a lot of wise words from @anon17132524.


I spread wisdom like manure on a newly landscaped lawn. Evenly and quickly, always reminding myself that it might possibly be bullsh*t.