The whistling noise is driving my family crazy

It’s coming from the vent and had been doing it for two days. They are going mad. I find it kind of amusing.

I think my daughter made a comment about me sympathetically. I wonder if they’re all thinking it.


My vent has been doing this and it’s horrible. You have my full sympathies.


Thank you. It’s annoying but it surprisingly doesn’t bother me. I wasn’t even sure it was our vent until someone pointed it out and then I needed to find the source.

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People with auditory hallucinations are generally less responsive to actual auditory stimuli. Probably because we have learned our whole lives how to ignore annoying sounds.


Does the vent have adjustable louvers? Often adjusting them can reduce or eliminate rattling whistling, etc.


I have a tendency to not react to a lot of auditory cues cause of all the background noise I’m used to


I really can drown out a lot of sounds around me. Like babies crying etc.

But sometimes I also find I’m very sensitive to all sounds. Probably that is when I’m more stressed

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It’s a cold air return so there isn’t anything to adjust. I’m going to ask my husband to peek into the duct work and see if the cardboard things I don’t know the name of are out of place. Sometimes my cats would get into our ceiling and mess with them. He’s taller and thinner than me so he will fit and I just don’t want to try. Lol

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