they have been ramping up since ive been trying to get rid of they, they say stuff like “oh no dont make me blind forever”, yesterday it made sense, as i tried this new technique they showed me that they can control my heartbeat, and my eyesight, by making my heart beat faster, and my eyesight go dark, they said if i continue they will make me blind and paraylyzed, they claim they are my designers and say that everyone is psychic is agaisnt me, and ramped up my hallucinations of outside auditory like never before, and said i will also have audiovisual hallucinations which i dont have if i continue, which i also saw yesterday, they claim to be gods and now give me rules to follow and said they will kill or maim me if i continue to rebel agaisnt them, has this happened to anyone else, i now know that they are real and fully have the power to do this, what can i do now?
Welcome to the forum.
Have you been diagnosed with schizophrenia? If so are you on any meds?
Welcome to the forum
When stuff like this starts to feel real it can be overwhelming.
yes i have been diagnosed, ive had schizophrenia for 2 years, and i take risperidone
Be assured they’re not real. It can seem like that sometimes.
In my experience, the voices are without real power except to frighten and confuse.
Governed by rules. I prefer common sense!
Welcome to the forum.
Your voices do not have these powers. They are just your subconscious/unconscious mind messing with you.
Well your not blind yet so guess there not powerful.
Maybe ask your pdoc about med adjustment
@anon6551389 @stormy6 they aren’t god, they aren’t evil, they are simply a chemical reaction happening in all of our brains! It’s proven facts that they are chemicals reacting in our brains! It’s science not religious
@stormy6 they control you because you let them stop believing them change meds because the meds you’re on are NOT working this is your sz talking
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