i m not gonna buy gerbil
Why not get a rat? They are easy to tame and are fun. I bred some for a while. Just do not get a male and a female because they will mate and they can have babies every month. And those babies can have babies at 5 weeks old.
I found other activity to fulfill my needs
I don’t need a pet anymore. Anyway it was fun to research gerbils. And thank for suggestion
No problem! Glad you found something.
What? She’s pregnant?!! I thought she was a boy!!! Uh oh
Huh? I am confused…
Sorry. I was just imagining if you thought you bought 2 boy rats but by mistake got a girl and a boy and she ended up pregnant and your house overrun by rats. I was being silly.
Thats basically what happened to me.
Oh haha I am so sorry! Then my joke was sooooo rude! I apologize
For psychology lab, we used castrated white male rats. After the semester, the rats were eliminated, unless you wanted one.
I have 3 rats. Wonderful pets
They really are.
I can’t deal with rats. There’s something about their tails that freak me out. The front halves of them are cute.
That’s what everyone said. I said that too until I got one
I think my cat would enjoy it if I got a rat…
Is Richard Gere still making movies?
LOL! You beat me with a Richard Gere joke.
Weaponize gerbils!
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