The Surprising Benefit Of Going Through Hard Times

Psychologists studying post-traumatic growth find that many people come to thrive in the aftermath of adversity.

This excerpt is from the new book Wired to Create: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind, by psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman and HuffPost Senior Writer Carolyn Gregoire.


Very interesting! Ive been traumatized a couple times but have grown a lot

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Wow! Thankyou for sharing those articles.

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“That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”



It’s sort of funny… I was JUST reading this article and thinking of posting it.

You got it before me. :smile:


Ehehe :smile: happened to me earlier with one article, firemonkey already posted it too.

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I used to post we have been hammered on the anvil.
I would rage and try to figure it out 20 years ago on these forums.
Now I’m more mellow?
Youth of every persuasion have to figure it out. They can read and learn about the world. But I suggest going out there to live it. These are trying times. Are we close to world war 3?
Just try your best to live your ideals and hopefully make the world a better place.

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still waiting for the ’ thrive ’ bit !?!
i am looking in the bottom of my santa :santa: stocking…" no " can’t see it !?!
take care :alien:

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I was told by the ‘bonsai man’ that trees like to be shocked. It spurs growth.

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True, for lemon trees to grow you have to hit them.

Not that we need to beat up humans of course… But the metaphorical beating we all go through, life takes care of that

Well its for people, you’re an alien :alien:

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point taken !?! :flushed:
take care :alien:

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I think you thrive just fine :blush:

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At 74, I’m finding it is time to jettison my ego. Replace it with love.

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I actually tested as having the creative personality on the DISC inventory when I was taking it for a class as a sophomore. I have written lots of papers and also a novel. I do research in psychology, which is very demanding of creativity. “Go do a thesis, come up with an experiment that hasn’t been done yet and stuff”. It’s the creative side of science. The mind and brain are newer frontiers.

And I have serious trauma, so this makes sense. I didn’t read it, I just agree with the notion, so I don’t feel a need to read it.

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Reminds me of the wise words of a friend: when you face adverse life changers, you can either get bitter or get better. I’m in the throes of a terrible something, but I refuse, as most of us do here, to let it best me. Suffering can teach empathy and insight, if you allow it to.

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Can I just mention too, the ability to aid another someone or someones with MI is a gift. Look at how we all lift up and assist one another here! Good work everyone!!

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