The strangest thing happened to me

ha! lay low there, Dino, and don’t hurt yourself.

you’ve ruined this thread.

not commenting anymore.

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Yeah lay low ladies please.
I don’t want you guys to get suspended or my thread to get locked.


Sorry, I won’t comment further.

I just want you to know it’s not paranormal.

I’ve been stuck there and it’s miserable.

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Thanks 15555555

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There is a lot about reality that science does not understand, although there seems to be many interesting theories and hypotheses.

Reality is a lot more complicated than 3 or even 4 dimensions.

Everything that may be mistaken for supernatural is ultimately perfectly natural.


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I used to know someone who hallucinated cold air and hands touching them. She had sz.

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Maybe! Possibly.

I often feel droplets hitting my legs, whether I’m inside or outside, whether I’m wearing shorts or pants. It’s weird. But me and my pdoc thinks it’s a tactical hallucination.

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Yeah I looked it up online and it’s possible to hallucinate feeling hot or cold air blowing your way.
Thanks @Blossom

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Now I’m wondering if it was a hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucination where I was half asleep.

But when I saw the blue object on the floor it was during the day and I was fully awake.

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The most uncomfortable aspect of my illness are the tactile hallucinations. But they only happen when I’m half asleep or in the unconscious state. I have fought with “demons” in the sleep realm. I have had dreams where I am with people and they are trying to attack me and I subdue them…I’ve tried not to hurt or attack the attackers but keep them from me…usually I block or outrun them…

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Yeah it might have been a hypnopompic or hypnagogic hallucination.

I get them often but never tactile hallucinations

They’re very realistic. Just like my science fiction dreams are. The tactile hypnogogic hallucinations can feel very real and are so uncomfortable. The thing is I am not a bad person and I would have no reason to have these “demonic” dreams if not for the mental illness.

Sometimes it does help to use music or aromatherapy but that’s more psychological to calm the senses.

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Yeah thanks @anon69073975
I sometimes see these huge strange crab like creatures climb up the walls in these semi conscious states.

I once saw these men prowling about in my kitchen.
I suddenly got up from the couch and was running for help!

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I have LOTS of tactile hallucinations. I never have visual, but auditory and tactile, oh boy.

I’ve felt cold air, water, bugs, touches, and more. It feels very real. In fact is IS real sensations triggered by the brain, but without real stimuli, if that makes sense.

That’s how my doctor described it to me. Our brains make us have very real feelings without an external trigger. It’s really similar to an itch that has no bug bite, rash, or other cause.


wow thats scary, definitely sounds like a hallucination. My illness has gotten less severe over time–possibly the length of time I have been medicated or with age/understanding.

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Yeah that’s why I can’t listen to gothic music much or consume any sort of dark-info like horror movies. especially before going to bed…I also have to get regular sleep I take the medication before bed so it stops it from happening and when I dont take the meds its like an open-channel for that stuff.


Sounds like a tactile hallucination where u hallucination sensations of touch

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Yes @ThePoet
I haven’t had tactile hallucinations in years

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True… I get them every now and then not really consistently

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I’m sorry you experience these @ThePoet

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