Something interesting happened to me. A few nights ago I got mad and threw a cig at a car. Almost instantaneously the sky toward orange. Then when I got home it stormed heavy. I then almost got hit by lightening two feet away.
Just got out of the psych ward. I’m drugged up as ■■■■.
Haldol Ativan shot will make you lose track of days.
They never keep me long. I guess I’m special. The whole staff look mystified I was getting released so early. That’s considering I tried to attack somebody earlier in the day. Them and me both are mystified.
When they gave me the shot the lights popped on randomly. Then one of the shots spontaneously combusted and flew all over my ear.
The intake nurse was talking about special powers. I said is this gonna be like the movie I’ve where all the superpowers get locked up. Guess that all went to my head because i had this urge to make the whole building shake. I resisted heavily. Then I heard rain. I’m crazy