The following is a direct lift from Teddy Millon wrote the drafts of the Axis II Personality Disorders sections of the DSMs III an IV and is generally considered to be the world’s leading authority on personality characteristics. I’m all eyes and ears for comments in reaction to reading this.
(F) Expressively Peculiar (e.g., exhibits socially gauche and curious mannerisms; is perceived by others as aberrant, disposed to behave in an unobtrusively odd, aloof, or bizarre manner).
(F) Interpersonally Secretive (e.g., prefers privacy and isolation, with few highly tentative attachments and personal obligations; has drifted over time into increasingly peripheral vocational roles and clandestine social activities).
(F) Autistic Cognitive Style (e.g., capacity to “read” thoughts and feelings of others is markedly dysfunctional, mixes social communications with personal irrelevancies, circumstantial speech, ideas of reference, and metaphorical asides; often ruminative, appearing self-absorbed and lost in daydreams with occasional magical thinking, bodily illusions, obscure suspicion, odd beliefs, and a blurring of reality and fantasy).
(S) Estranged Self-Image (e.g., exhibits recurrent social perplexities and illusions as well as experiences of depersonalization, derealization and dissociation; sees self as forlorn, with repetitive thoughts of life’s emptiness and meaninglessness).
(S) Chaotic Objects (e.g., internalized representations consist of a piecemeal jumble of early relationships and affects, random drives and impulses, and uncoordinated channels of regulation that are only fitfully competent for binding tensions, accommodating needs and mediating conflicts).
(F) Undoing Regulatory Mechanism (e.g., bizarre mannerisms and idiosyncratic thoughts appear to reflect a retraction or reversal of previous acts or ideas that have stirred feelings of anxiety, conflict or guilt; ritualistic or magical behaviors serve to repent for or nullify assumed misdeeds or “evil” thoughts).
(S) Fragmented Morphologic Organization (e.g., possesses permeable ego-boundaries; coping and defensive operations are haphazardly ordered in a loose assemblage of morphologic structures, leading to desultory actions in which primitive thoughts and affects are discharged directly, with few reality-based sublimations, and significant further disintegrations into a psychotic structural level, likely under even modest stress).
(S) Distraught or Insentient Mood-Temperament (e.g., excessively apprehensive and ill-at-ease, particularly in social encounters; agitated and anxiously watchful, evincing distrust of others and suspicion of their motives that persists despite growing familiarity); or (e.g., manifests drab, apathetic, sluggish, joyless, and spiritless appearance; reveals marked deficiencies in face-to-face rapport and emotional expression).