The sad state of hollywood

Really we gotta re live the oj Simpson trail in full on Hollywood glory…why …

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That guy turned from an 80s superstar into something completely different. He’s gotten into fights in las vegas and all sorts of gangster stuff.

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i watched it on tv, was an interesting trial

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I remember watching his slow ass police chase…lol

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America sure has alot of problems, and sometimes atheletes get into the wrong crowd and get into trouble. Michael Vick is a good example, dog fighting and gambling and just being a hustler. It can get out of control when you look into some of the lives of professional athletes.

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I think the single bad ones really give other atheletes a bad reputation. There’s alot of pain and training in being a football player, and it’s just bad to see some of them not stay morally aligned and positive. Alot of atheletes aren’t thankful for their huge paychecks though, and honestly I would rather a soldier get their pay than some guy that runs a ball around. I mean really?

All in the name of a sport.

its the same with schizophrenics in a way, sometimes the odd one or two get really bad and they end up on the news for all the wrong reasons, its just sad and thats what adds to the stigma

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I would say the reason for that is because many athletes get away with childish antics in high school and college, because they make the local sports team better. They grow up thinking they’re immune to rules because of their skill, then they get out in the real world, and that sadly also holds true. Yes, there are very good and moral athletes out there, but they grow up that way in spite of an environment that nurtures immorality.

Are they making a movie out of it?