The queen of hearts


Good choice. They call her “Juice” because she fought a ten year addiction to orange juice and won.

Man, is it my imagination or am I just getting stupider and stupider?


I ask myself the same question and it’s because we’re being mentally battered by this illness that we suffer and don’t know what to do next or how to keep going and trying to keep up with normal people. I don’t know I’m having one helluva time now a days.

I hear ya. A new year with a lot of the same old problems. Oh well, at least the cat loves me here.


My cats come to greet me all the time they’re very social and love attention. I love cats song should pop up even though it’s like ten years old.



I want to wish you good luck on the rTMS you’re starting on Monday. Do you have VA healthcare? (I’m also a veteran.)

I was in the Navy, but since you were in the Army I’ll give you a big Hooah :relaxed:


It’s still better than being called Fig Newton. Just sayin’.


And a Hooyah to you kindness! Yes I’m a veteran of the 82nd airborne as an artillery advance partyman in combat to an ammo team chief in the garrison with a NBC NCO status. I left however to get more freedom in my life you know?

I’m going to the Madison Wi VA right now so it’s a bit of a commute but they’re working on my brain and that’s exactly what I wanted lol.



I was an Intelligence Specialist in the Navy for 18 months, and was discharged due to schizophrenia. I’m 100%, service-connected disabled.

I have your back!


When raspberry Newtons came out I couldn’t stop grinning for two weeks. Those things are good! As you can tell, I’m easily pleased.

I was combat arms artillery light towed designation. I also have experience in 155mm mortars and 155mm artillery towed but my primary artillery piece was the 105mm. We traveled all over afghanistan and most of the time we had no idea where in the country we were. I did alot of hardcore training in Bagram and then went to FOB Shkin after a load of other FOBs. I was a SAW gunner, I ran it six miles a day with 200 rounds when I wasn’t on mission. It was rough stuff but we saw it through and became very strong because we believed in the war effort we actually believed these corrupt politicians you know?

Now if you’re telling the military what to do as a politician and you’ve never been in the military I just don’t think you have the right to mess with their policies and their training but that’s what’s happened. I wore the old BDU uniform and desert combat uniform (DCU) in afghanistan. Back then we still shined our boots and were allowed to have green jungle boots at Ft. Bragg.

It seems so long ago now and the military has changed so much, I just can’t believe that things are so bad right now you know?

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You’re much braver than I am.

I did basic training in Great Lakes, IL (1981), then submarine school in Groton, CT, then A school and C school in Dam Neck, VA, then served on the U.S.S. Lexington (AVT-16) out of NAS Pensacola.

I guess this would be better in PM :relaxed:

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I was in the Air force for almost two years. When I tried to get disability because they discharged me for having Asperger’s Syndrome they basically insulted me. If I remember correctly in the Air Force we said HUA for Heard Understood Acknowledged.


It’s okay any other way, INTEL is really really hard to get into you must be one very smart cookie and a great planner. I don’t know if I am smart enough to keep up with jobs like that, but you did kindness and I really admire you for it. I know it’s not always wearing suits and expensive watches and packing a pistol-but I would be enchanted to have a security clearance.


I at one time knew an air force vet who developed epilepsy and had to be discharged and he was SATTCOM I guess. It must be hard I in my youth was the model of health and even though I wasn’t the strongest guy I could put up with ALOT of BS>

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I’m very analytical, but I still think you’re braver than I am. Teamwork, right?


Of course it’s all dedicated to the greater plan through teamwork! I also believe that if my team would have let me give up I wouldn’t be the person I am today.


When I was working for a government contractor for a short stint earlier this year I was working on a military base. I had a run in with an officer where I didn’t fawn all over him and was trying to get into the building where they were training me. He told the people I worked for that I was rude and tried to get me fired. Other people saw the incident and I guess vouched for me because that isn’t why I stopped working there(my clearance paperwork took too long). Some people are d-bags and that officer must’ve hated that I was CIV and he couldn’t make my life miserable for not kow-towing to him. I guess my point is that there are somethings I don’t miss about being in the service.


Me too, but when you believe in it-I mean really believe in it and are willing to practically commit a crime for the guy next to you to make sure he’s okay and safe you’d do it. Without doubt. That officer should get his ass reamed by a three star mustang general if you care what my opinion is lol.