The poster boy for Sz Support Groups?

Anyonere here watch Futurama? Bender was this robot that was trying to kill himself at the start of the show but after got zapped in the Hall of Criminals, he became large on life. Sure, he became kinda evil but he still hung around and appreciated his buddies.

I think that sort of thinking kinda serves the purpose of a support group. When we feel down and out of it, we can usually come in here to get ‘zapped’ with some energy and keep on truckin’.


that’s funny 1515

It could even be said that he stopped wanting to die the moment he realized Fry wanted him for a friend. :exploding_head::hearts:


What’s 1515, leaf? Seen it on quite a few posts here but don’t know what it means…

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Oh our posts are required to be at least 15 characters long. So if we type something shorter that 15 characters we just type 151515 until it reaches 15 in length.


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