The plasticity thread

Chess, did you see the study that combining exercise with cognitive training boosts cognitive measures substantially?

Recently read something too that for drugs to work on cognition you probably have to have cognitive training with them (as suggested by that study on valproate giving people “perfect pitch” they still had to study music for months to achieve it.) I hope that will be taken into account with the trials that are upcoming.

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I am taking omega 3 supplements. It’s been a while.


@twinklestars I will do my best to recover.
I hate being an invalid honestly.
I will try everything I can, both mainstream and alternative medicine,
anything and everything in search of a cure.
I would like to be able to live independently and have some income.


@twinklestars You seem remarkably coherent. Do you supplement? What’s your treatment regimen like?

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You should study trigonometry

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I do like trigonometry.

You should study civil engineering. You take trig, learn about Bearings (directional), true north vs magnetic north, algorithms and etc. very interesting stuff

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