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Depends on the definition. I don’t consider supplements as a pill since they have little to no side effects, so I just voted on pharmaceuticals.
Yes by pills I meant ap’s forgot to mention 🤦
Easily 16 pills a day but I only take 2 pills of Antipsychotics a day.
i take an antipsychotic, antidepressant, and anxiety med prn. i impulsively threw out my ap so now its just the antidepressant
I would seriously consider getting back on your AP @cigarino.
2 + prn
I get a two weekly depotinjection. My life is not structured to take pills regular like three times a day. Sometimes i sleep till midday, sometimes i don’t.
1ap, 1 antidepressant, 3 kinds of vitamins, 1 muscle relaxant, 1 dopamine agonist, 1 Parkinson med, and 1 digestive medicine
13 pills a day and the injection
Oh this thread again
2-3 1mg clonazepams, a 50mg vyvanse pill followed at noon with a 20mg vyvanse pill, paxil 20mg, ciprolex 5mg (weaning off), and I use to pop rexulti, but I stopped taking it cold turkey 2 days ago because it added sedation and blunting (secondary negative symptoms).
7.5 pills a day and injection once every 2 weeks.
Bump 1515151615
I pop (not pills but meds), 11 meds a day. I take 2 AP’s daily and one AP depot every two weeks.
I take 8 pills related to my schizophrenia. I do have Diazepam as a prn medication, but as i don’t take it regularly, i haven’t counted it. I also take Metformin to manage the excessive hunger associated with the antipsychotics, but again i haven’t counted this.
Two In The Morning. Antipsychotic. And Blood Pressure.
Five At Night. Two For Sleep. Two For Muscle Tremors. And One For Blood Pressure.
I Honestly Have Zero Side Effects From The Medications. A Few Years Back, If I Lost Focus On Something, Or Was In Serious Focus On Something. My Hands Would Slightly Tremble. Which Sounds Sad I’m Sure. But!, I Remember When I Was At My Worst, Sitting In My Doctors Office. As My Hands Were Shaking, I Kept Complaining About It. And I Would Lift My Hands Up In The Air And Be Like, ‘My Hands Are Shaking, I Need Some Help Here’.
And She Would Look Away And Start Talking About Something Else. . .
I’m Laughing About It Now. But Still…, It Was Annoying At That Moment.
Then As Our Session Was Finishing, She Pulled Out A Prescription Paper Effortlessly And Wrote Out The Med’s I Take Now. All In LALALA Fashion As I Was Like, ‘JESUS LADY WTH’!.
The Trembling Has Almost Subsided Completely. Which May Have Been Brought On By The Antipsychotic Now That I Think About It. Either Way, Not An Issue. . .
N e Hoo.
That’s What I’m On. . . . . . .
(By) (The) (Way),
With The Blood Pressure…, My Doctor Has Been Extra Grateful In Compromising With Me On Blood Tests. I Loathe Needles. And I Had Complained For A Long Time. Now!, It’s Only Once A Year For Blood Tests. On New Years Eve. Yup!.
P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.
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