The outsiders(very high IQ and maladjustment)

More than a few people I’ve met in high range IQ Facebook groups are, to say the least, a little offbeat mentally. These are people who ,to put it bluntly, make me look like the understudy to a village idiot when it comes to intelligence.

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The Prometheus Society that is supposed to have published that article is so elite, they were tiny, the last time I checked.

I think Mensa has like 50,000 members in the US. I think the triple 9 society (more elite than Mensa) has about 2,000 members. I think the Prometheus Society (more elite than triple 9) only has about 100 members.

In an elite organization that has only accepted 100 members, I would think that a few of those members have problems relating to average folks.

In particular, there are plenty of high IQ people with low-Conscientiousness personalities - and low-C is quite sufficient to negate any IQ advantage in modern society. I have met several de facto ‘unemployable’ people with very high intelligence, and indeed such people tend to form the nucleus of the high IQ/ ultra-high IQ societies.

I haven’t noticed that in Mensa. I haven’t done a survey, but most of the Mensans I’ve interacted with seem to have been employed or retired.

I can barely work fast food joints. It’s just too complicated. The only time I did well at one was when I was 16. I did everything really good even being called a hard worker. Since then it’s all gone down hill. I think that’s an indication that my iq has gone down. I’m definitely not even in the same conversation with him or even above average intelligence.

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i did read that one of the founders of Mensa became very disillusioned with it. He didn’t like the way it had turned into a ‘puzzle solving’ society rather than one that would use its high intelligence to find solutions for major problems.

I think that is true. The Mensa SIG’s that I’ve been involved with don’t seem to function much like think tanks.

They seem to be more like private web forums where you can ask a quick question of a bunch of smart people, and possibly get trolled for it.

The in person meetings featured nice conversation, though.

. I’d never join Mensa, and go to one of their groups, because of my severe social anxiety.

Yeah, meeting a bunch of strangers at a restaurant or something can make some people a little nervous. (I actually let my dues lapse during this Covid thing. Their policy is that you only have to qualify once, though. Then, you just have to renew your dues when you want back in.)

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