The official Canaanananaananada thread

Ah was the bandermoose knuckle joke too much…too soon…too soon…

If I’m correct the velocity of the two is 10.59 m/s. If I remember my terminology it is a perfectly inelastic collision.


Did you factor in the intoxication level of the pet beaver in the audience?

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No I forgot to factor that in the result must be wrong.

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You’ve actually got me trying to solve the stupid equation now, damn you. I feel ridiculous that I’m doing it and embarrassed that I can’t remember my schooling from over 3 decades back.

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Said like a true Cananananadian! :smile:


@flameoftherhine: Bad news, d00d - the Moon Goddess just PWNED us both. I think we have to eat our popcorn silently in the basement now.


That’s only because you got a Canadian education. Now, if you had studied in America…

…I’d have died of gunshot injuries halfway through middle school. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey, that’s…a fair point.


My Grandma is Canadian. She is 96 . Ukrainian emigrant, youngest of 7. Still has relatives in Edmonton. Might travel there with her and Auntie next summer if I feel up to it. Hate to miss it but seems stressful. What do you like about Thanksgiving?

Does it snow in Canada? I’ve heard rumors that it might get chilly up there every now and then.

Not much, really. Always wind up spending it with the wife’s parents.

Oh, just a bit. :cry:

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It snows so much that they send the excess down here. ■■■■ your Arctic Blasts Canada! Winter is all your fault!

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Snow is Canada’s national song…in Canada many a tales been told of how delightful it is to share some yellow snow…

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Edit: the first one got cut off


I never met a Canadian I didn’t like.
I never met a Canadian I liked.
I’ve met two Canadians.