The number delusions came back

I used to obsess over numbers. It started with 22 and then 11 and then 33 but then it became every number 1-9 with all combinations, (basically every number from 1-infinity) I was able to kick the delusions when I became depressed and stopped caring what the numbers meant since I just wanted to be dead. I took Seroquel XR a bit after that by force and eventually I became more sane but still unaware of my diagnosis. I stopped taking it once I was trusted to take it on my own and the symptoms slowly crept back. I began smoking weird thinking it was helping, ( it was shitty weed because where I was that was the only type they had) I recently moved to somewhere that has good weed and I smoked and the number delusions came back. I was sitting in a car with a friend and I was thinking “why would I think about the numbers again, it’s not like they have any actual meaning I can ever decode” and then I looked up and saw a big 777 sign for a business. I freaked out because my thought was “these numbers never have any meaning,” but right after I saw a number with a popular meaning and I thought this was some sort of way the universe was trying to get my attention. I summed it all up to confirmation bias since I had had the same thought earlier when we were just hanging out but I just brushed it off again (the thought I’m referring to was the “why would I think about the numbers meaning since it never shows me it’s meaning if it has one” thought). Anyone else experience this ■■■■. I’m thinking maybe I saw the 777 sign subconsciously before hand without paying attention since it was just in front of us while we were driving and that may have prompted my thought about the numbers again, making it seem like a coincidence when it wasn’t. Also I had the same thought earlier like I said but no coincidence. So maybe it is all just bs and I’m freaking out over nothing. You can’t lie tho, that is still kind of a freaky coincidence.

Probably wise to stop the weed and have a chat to a shrink. If it’s sz then earlier intervention with appropriate meds leads to better outcomes. Nothing good about psychosis if you move into that world but still wise to stop the drugs and see a doctor.

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I’ve stopped all weed, Alc, nicotine, and began taking Seroquel XR again since this past Sunday. I was feeling better up until today where that thought came back 50x harder out of nowhere while I was at work. I had to tell my coworker I get random anxiety attacks just in case she noticed I was in a daze or not focused or if she noticed a change in my behavior. I really hope I can get better

You still need to get some medical advice. The meds should help but they can take a while before they are effective. It does sound like a few things but we don’t diagnose. You really need to talk to a doctor and get referred to a shrink. You’ve had some interactions if your on seroquel.

That’s how I got Seroquel again I’m already talking to a shrink but I don’t have another appointment for another week.


Yeah be patient. Glad your getting help so trust the process and watch if your suffering too much. You might need to use ER services or move up that appointment. Meds take a while to kick in so to speak as it’s a weird thing about psych meds like antipsychotics. Stress will often make positive symptoms worse so try to keep stress low…I know that is hard to do when your symptomatic.

I just had a thought that all my delusions were just theories and not facts and that I should treat them with skepticism and not feel as if they are true unless they were somehow proven to be true. I think this is a big step in the right direction. Just took my Seroquel. Going to bed now. Good night kind internet stranger.

Insight is very valuable in our worlds. You lose it you go psychotic and those weird thoughts become common and you lose touch with reality. Never stop psych meds. It’s leads to problems in the long run so take them and see how you go.

Check back in and see how your going. Most here have gone through similar so you will find some good advice.

I’m obsessed with 9

No, it’s a sick mind seeing something where there is nothing. It’s treatable.

Welcome to the community.


welcome @Poopgalaxy
i think we have wierder symptoms it is know that mi have very wierd symptoms i advice you to read about the tag delusion and hallucinations
and go to good doctors or best doctors coz mental illness ( mi ) is not easy at all
good luck be patient and acquire wisedom in all your life
coz your life will not be like normal ppl
good luck hugs :slight_smile:

I haven’t had number delusions for a while but I still use the same numbers I guess out of habit.

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