The next 5 weeks are going to be stressful to say the least

I have to take an elderly relative to DAILY hospital appointments for cancer treatment via taxi, for the next 5 weeks. If they miss (3?) appointments there’ll be trouble.

I’ll be stressed to the hilt.

We’re looking into whether or not a local cancer charity can provide a driver. This would take a lot of the pressure off as taxis aren’t a guaranteed service obviously. And whether or not the taxi service can be relied on is the thing that will be stressful for me.

I’m going to see if we can arrive very early for these appointments, as that would also ease the stress of waiting for a taxi to arrive.

It looks like my inability to drive has finally caught up with me.


Good on you for helping out your elderly relative. I can see why you would feel stressed out – maybe it will be less stressful after the first several times.

I think it’s a really good idea to reach out to the cancer charity to see if they might have a driver available. Can you also check with the hospital to see if they know of any options for transportation that might be available? The hospital may have a social worker on staff who could look up local resources for you.

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I hate taxis. They are unreliable here. I. Know it can be sort of pain ass.i hope it works out. Hugs

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Thanks @Moonbeam . It’s actually the hospital who are chasing down a driver at the charity. They haven’t gotten back to us yet though.

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Fortunately they are reliable here. But will they be reliable every day for 5 weeks? That’s the question… :grimacing:

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I wonder if you can get the same taxi driver every day, sort of a standing taxi service appointment?


Yes, I might phone the taxi company and see if they can make any special arrangement. That’s a good idea.


It sounds like you will have kind of stress every day.
I wish you strenght…

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Thanks @anon42606141 .

I’m going to have a talk with my brother who drives. I think he may be working from home for the next few weeks due to covid. So hopefully he can act as a backup driver.

But yeah, stress stress stress.


I know, my mother had cancer…
It drained a lot of energy from her, just treatment…
Be prepared for mental exaustion, as you might be support…

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I will. Thanks again @anon42606141

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Hey @everhopeful . We are just getting into the last 6 days of 39 straight m-f for dads radiation. I’ve been driving him most days but he has caught some rides with a local cancer charity. I would definitely look around and see if you can get some trips though that. It’s been pretty good for us but it’s nice to see the end of it.

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I will. Thanks @rogueone . I hope things work out ok for your father.


Sorry bout that. Your right.

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@everhopeful I really feel for you and this responsibility. I don’t know how to say it any stronger. I somehow wish to offer some support.

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