The netherworld

I wonder the same thing. Or if we are a science experiment to aliens.I find purpose in my own humanity

From experience, the ‘netherworld’ isn’t policed and serious trauma in one’s life can result in unwanted things happening, including getting plagued by spirits from ‘past lives’. The experience has taught me that whatever is ‘out there’, (i.e. God/The Source/The Universe) has absolutely no compassion and instead leaves us to work it out for ourselves, which is why we are all on here with depersonalisation and psychosis issues. I had to be brought to the edge of a nervous breakdown to finally realise that the Christian idea of God simply does not exist on a spiritual level. Of course, there would be those who say it doesn’t exist on a material level either. Basically, what I am saying is that the netherworld, or spiritual realm, is a complete free-for-all; an unpoliced ‘grey area’ which thankfully does not impinge on the vast majority of humans but only on a tiny minority of the most vulnerable members of society who have suffered terrible trauma and illness in their lives.

I think the topic would make an interesting subject for a more detailed thesis.

Best wishes,

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I live in the neitherworld

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