The neighbors dog

I’ve been trying to get the neighbors dog to trust me and let me pet her for awhile now. I have been giving her treats almost daily through the fence which she gladly accepts. But when I finally decided to try to pet her today she nipped at me and started barking. Any suggestions on how to earn this dogs trust?

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Why do you want to befriend this dog?

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I don’t know. I would like to have a dog next door that is friendly to me rather than hostile. Just a preference :crazy_face:. I guess it’s not like the most important thing in the world.

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F u c k the dog man!

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How do the neighbors feel about you feeding their dog?


Get down to the dog’s level, slowly show the dog your hand palm out, and let them come to you.

ETA: As a dog owner, if someone was slipping my dog treats (and my dog has a very strict diet because of his breed), I’d be pretty upset. He gets diarrhea at the drop of a hat and has an easily upset stomach. I agree with @Speedy the more I think about it: f u c k the dog.


It’s the neighbors that should decide who should and should not be their friend. If you want this dog to be your friend then you should talk to your neighbors.


I had an pretty aggressive dog once, Ginger, she was a rescue with a past.

Our neighbor would feed her treats though the fence hoping she would quit barking,

She never did.

Some dogs are just not friendly, and they forget you gave them treats as soon as they get them in their mouths.

I don’t know what I would do to try to win her over.

Probably just takes time.


People think that you’re supposed to stick your hand in a dogs face when you meet it.

This is not what you’re supposed to do. Your supposed to stand erect & I forget what else.

Basically make the dog respect you.

This is tough though cuz of old habits and dogs are so much fun to play with


The neighbor is aware of it. My dad occassionaly gives her treats too and he has had much more success.


I don’t even like when strangers pet Oliver or Chey without asking permission first, and I do the same if I want to pet someone else’s dog.

Edit. Well long as your neighbors know you.

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The neighbor is aware that I am feeding the dog treats to try to get it to trust me.


Once again. the neighbor is aware of it.

Cool, then! My advice at the top of my last post stands, then.

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Maybe the dog is picking up something about you she doesn’t like., maybe you have a scent she doesn’t like, they can sense fear and stuff, something like that.


Maybe a telling question: What kind of dog is this? What breed? How big?

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That is possible. The dog nipped at me once before so I am slightly nervous that I’m going to get bit when I try to pet her.

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My neighbor’s dog always bark at me when I talk to my neighbor idk why, maybe bcz I shaked his hand and the dog felt that I am attacking his owner.

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Maybe its bcz you have sz :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t know the dogs breed. I think she is a mixed breed. She is a fairly big dog. Probably about the size of a lab, but she is not a lab.