The narrative self, the stories we make about ourselves

We construct stories, partly fiction, partly facts, to why we ended up like we do.

We cannot stand, we are just drifting in the wind. We try to make a coherent story out of circumstances.

For no particular reason I’m happy today, tomorrow the sadness may return, and I don’t know why.

I’m no longer able to see myself as a character with motives and reasons to act.

I’m just drifting in the wind, without a future, without a history.

“The theory of narrative identity postulates that individuals form an identity by integrating their life experiences into an internalized, evolving story of the self that provides the individual with a sense of unity and purpose in life.This life narrative integrates one’s reconstructed past, perceived present, and imagined future. Furthermore, this narrative is a story – it has characters, episodes, imagery, a setting, plots, and themes and often follows the traditional model of a story, having a beginning (initiating event), middle (an attempt and a consequence), and an end (denouement).”


I have contsructed so many wild stories about myself over the years with schizo, I can’t believe how wild my imagination can be. It’s so weird but even now I do get
episodes with psychoses and then I return to my former way of thinking. It’s so weird how fast I can revert back to my false self :sunglasses:

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Sounds like a ego-trip :grin:

I don’t know if you can talk about “false” and “true” selves. What is true and false according to what?

Maybe your self or ego is just a “thing” that turns up when you pop out of the stream of consciousness and suddenly is aware of your own being?

The rest of the time we are just immersed in a sea of sensations and fragments of thoughts?

I have not got an answer. At the moment I can’t construct a story of where I come from and where I’m heading.

Disintegrated ego, but right now im happy, and happy about being happy.

Interesting idea @bluebutterfly .

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It is kinda weird how my emotions are more heighten when l am in the zone. I am more inspired and more emotional. I do miss that feeling when it goes away. My false self is maybe my truest essence then. But when l land l kind of see it as me tricking myself to feel that way, and all those thoughts l know is not true never truly goes away.

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