Don’t remember if I’ve brought this up before but it’s something that puzzles me…
My junior year of highschool my dad lost his job and we found out we’d have to move yet again, probably for my senior year. That’s where the anxiety first started. I began to notice I was experiencing extreme and inappropriate levels of anxiety towards things. By senior year of highschool it was so extreme it amongst other things lead me to become suicidal. Freshmen year of college I was in therapy and group therapy for it. Sophomore year it was the worst of all, my anxiety had spread to every area of my life and it felt like being in a room that the walls were closing in on me, getting smaller and smaller…it was very debilitating and awful…I tried meds but they made my anxiety so bad I couldn’t take it…
Then, my junior year of college, the anxiety was just…gone. It makes NO sense. I was just back to normal. And it hasn’t ever returned, I’m now in my senior year of college. It was dropped from my diagnosis. I have absolutely no idea what caused me to go from debilitating, severe enough to make me suicidal anxiety to being perfectly average with acceptable levels of anxiety again. No idea. I can’t even find anyone else this has happened to online. what the heck
Were you also very depressed while this anxiety was going on? If so, did the depression lift and take the anxiety with it? I just ask because the only times I’ve had terrible, overwhelming anxiety was when I was also very depressed. If my dr was able to treat the depression successfully, the anxiety went away along with it. I’m no longer depressed much, so I typically don’t have anxiety that falls beyond the range of normal.
Actually my depression at that time was more because my anxiety was so bad, so it felt like my anxiety was causing the depression. Now my depression is even worse and basically just ruining my life because I can’t ever enjoy anything or feel excited about anything…but I don’t have that crazy anxiety anymore. I have no idea.
Everything has improved except my depression. PTSD is manageable now, psychosis is manageable, anxiety is gone, but depression is still just smothering me…I almost feel like my depression is like devouring my other disorders to get stronger @.@
Depression can be quite an ugly beast; I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with so much of it. I’m a bipolar-type sza and, over the course of my life, depression has been more dominant than the mania/hypomania or the psychosis. I’m glad your psychosis, anxiety and PTSD are more or less under control now.
I remember that I used to have ocd. It was kinda bad. Then after I started taking medication it disappeared. Maybe it was a type of medication that you took?
Ths has happened to me. When I attempted to attend college I would have non stop anxiety every day and was even diagnosed with it but awhile after just recently all my anxiety is completely gone and im a bt dull. So there you go, another person has experienced it