The lonliness of the job title mentally ill

It is not about the money with me, to be honest I have more than enough to survive, I do my bit, though rarely does the universe materialize coins in my wallet.

What bother’s me, besides living in a poky forensic council estate, which is wonderfully serene and monastic as cells go, is how to convince a potential mate that I am valuable.

I try my best, I know in politics you have to have a thick skin, but I am a libra and try to see all sides of the argument in harmony if possible.

What can I do, I have British citizenship and mixed roots, Turkish-Greek-Irish-Scottish, is it any wonder I went mad :frowning:

Your consideration is appreciated, thanks.

That sounds like a nice mix you have going on there.

Don’t give up! If I’ve learned anything it is that to expect the unexpected. I don’t think it is going about life convincing your value to another being. When you find that person, you won’t have that feeling, if you do, it is probably not the right person.

I can’t do anymore than I do already, the only thing I’d change workwise would be to receive more feedback from my correspondence regarding my ideas and thoughts.

The real issue for me is to escape the auspices of the NHS whilst remaining financially secure. I’m not even bothered by the title, anything is better than mentally ill.

It would be nice to be a Reader at a university, I believe they have free reign to do what they like without the pressure to publish.

I’m also happy to teach or lecture, though not sure if I’d be able to concentrate enough to prepare my notes.

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