The longest stay in mental hospital

Your longest stay in mental hospital?

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A couple of months…


About a month, back in 2008.


My longest stay was 3 months


One year just recently. I got out of the state hospital in September. My mom lied to the doctor saying I talked about the town police chief raping a girl in the woods and they committed me for two years. I still have a conditional discharge for nearly the next year saying I can’t leave the state or drink alcohol or use drugs. I used my time to read books and work in the greenhouse taking care of plants. I rarely talked to anyone during this time.


A month But as a teen I spent a whole year in partial patient treatment. I had been neglected and abused and I was really messed up. I got emancipated at 16 instead of going into foster care. But I now have a good relationship with my mom and a cordial one with my dad


I was in a state hospital with criminally insane persons for a month. I hope I never have to go back there.


6 Months, circa 2015. Piece of piss. I had a ready made family of friends and company, as opposed to me sitting on my own, being lonely, with no bugger to talk too - so in a perverted sort of way i loved it.


Longest for me was 1 month.

Last time I was there for a weekend. My case manager at the time convinced me to go in as a voluntary patient, but the boredom was too much for me


Five weeks excluding weekends (that was at therapy ward)

Second longest (the longest continuous stay) was a month


Two weeks or so. I always wanted out badly, so I tried to behave good.


The longest stay was 6 months followed by 18 month of rehab cause i was institutionalized. I made my year 12 in social studies that time. I was very proud about that achievement and learned later industrial management. Than i was so confident to move to Australia. I had jobs as a baker and an apartment, but being in out of hospital over 10 years in Australia. Finally i found peace and i am early retired. Here they told me hang in there and i did. It was worth it as i am hanging out big time these days.


5 months but I was allowed one weekend at home as vacation, just lasted half a day on vacation as I was unstable and still psychotic.


Last admission- May 1981-March 1983. My farmer had put the family home up for sale , and gone to be consul general in Atlanta. My mum was living with the village school mistress

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8 days

Longest week of my life

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eternity with missing points/periods in time lol…jk.

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One week i dint like that place at all…glad it wasnt more.

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8 months. They were lucky to have me but I don’t think I’ll ever grace them with my presence again.


That should be father instead of farmer .


One of my friends at outpatient was hospitalized for one year because the voices made her suicidal.

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