‘Sapiosexuality, means that a person is sexually attracted to highly intelligent people, so much so that they consider it to be the most important trait in a partner. It is a relatively new word that has become more popular in recent years. Both LGBTQ+ people and heterosexual people may identify as sapiosexual.’ (From Google)
Thus Has All Been Brought To My Attention (By) @mikev0882!. (In A Different Thread).
As A Quick Example:
If You Enjoy Thus Joke, You May Also Have Thus Fetish Yourself!.
Knock Knock!.
Who’s There?.
Chuck Norris!.
Chuck Norris Who?.
Chuck Norris, I Already Told You His Last Name (!!!).
I don’t know that it’s an intelligence fetish Sleystic, but I am rather enjoying looking up facts and posting the ones I find the most interesting in the thread. As well as reading others facts and then researching many of them to learn more. I’m hoping that thread goes on a good long while.
What I mean by that from my perspective is that the more a person has learnt, or understands, the more spiritual upkeep a person has to deal with in order to feel safe psychologically
It’s like a personal spiritual or psychological or health thermostat thingy…and it is pretty sensitive or fine tuned to maintain a desired setpoint in psychological health.