The greatest thing that ever happened to me!

was me losing my blonde hair. i was a proud blonde as a boy, but now im glad i have dark brunette hair, my hair just got darker and darker as i aged.


starting to get some gray in my goatee now,

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The happiest day was when Sparrow was born

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I wish my hair was blonder I just grew it out I think blonde hair is cool. Red hair really cool too.

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I dyed my hair blond up until a few years ago. Now I have embraced my grayness.

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I was white blonde sitting my childhood. Now I’ve got medium brown hair. It’s been getting darker since my teens.

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As a child, I had honey brown hair. Many men used to sing to me that song, I think it was by Nat King Cole but I’m not sure, “I Dream of Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair”. The last time a man sang me that song, I was in my late 40’s.

I only very recently read the lyrics to that song. The lyrics are very beautiful.

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I had blonde hair at 4, then it went a dusty brown until I was about 25, and it changed to a pleasant chestnut brown.
I’ve got a few greys, now.

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I think I read someone along the line that most people with blonde hair it gets darker with age.

When I was 5 I had red hair and it turned brown by the time I was in my teens now it’s turning grey.

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