The Gear icon isn’t working on Create a new topic

I have an iPhone now and just changed my email to from I also changed my password.

Is there something that you need to update on my account @Bowens @anon4362788 @Ninjastar @rogueone @Moonbeam ?

Yeah I can’t make a poll.
The gear icon wasn’t working for me either.

I too have an iPhone

Are you guys both using Safari?

Yes I think so?

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Okay, investigating now to see if others have reported this with discourse updates

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Yes I am 151515

Looks to be a known bug. We should get a patch soon


1515151515 Bump

No need to bump. The issue is with discourse’s new update, and nothing more can be done on our end until a patch comes out. The issue only affects mobile users, so anyone who has a laptop or PC should be able to use the functions still.