The Garbage Collectors

I swear, I’ve got the best Garbageman in the world. I could put 5 pianos on the curb and he’d take them.

I’m just wondering if his job will get more difficult as everyone is all at home accumulating more waste. I just know that tonight I’m putting out way more garbage bags than I normally do.


Yeah, I really appreciate garbage men. Before my husband was disabled he tried to get a job as one because it’s a good, solid job but he didn’t get hired. Then he got a different job and got injured. :frowning:

Yeah, I’m worried we’re going to start having trash and sanitation problems too, especially in bigger cities where it’s already an issue normally. I’m thankful for the people who are willing to do it. I can only imagine the kinds of shít that people are throwing away, and I wonder how many people are infected and then put stuff in the trash our flush down the toilet that could make sanitation workers sick. This is just a bad situation on pretty much all fronts.

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our trash collector doesn’t even get out his truck. it has a robotic arm that lifts the trash into the thingy. haha. anyways it’s a good way to do it out here in the country but of course everything has to fit into the trash can and they don’t pick up anything laying on the ground.

i’ve been having less trash lately, because im mostly eating frozen pizza. it just has a wrapper no cardboard, i haven’t filled up 1 bag yet and it’s been 3 weeks since i left any trash out for the garbage man.

he comes every tuesday, dad leaves a can out there each week for him, even if i don’t.

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