The functional schizoaffective alcoholic

Thats the best tag id stamp on myself. I don’t enjoy it but thats what im working with. I wish for change like friends and a girlfriend but i can never find it. I have a few friends and im grateful but u know with humans we always want more. I wish i could switch that part off where nothing is enough but i can’t. I wish i could kick the drinking but its hard not too. It just feels really good and without sex or creativity (currently) as an outlet i feel i have no other options. I wish i had a functioning home studio where i could record and make music but that costs a lot of money. I want to be ok but i feel im on a path of destruction. I go to AA and i like that because its safe and everyones a little weird like me but its also depressing at the same time. I should probably date more but im not good at initiating like that. Ill make it though somehow

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You’re functional until you develop korsakoff syndrome, which is basically dementia.

quit tagging yourself mate… you ain’t dead yet.


I have schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and alcoholism.

Those that drink alcohol never told me to completley stay away from alcohol only those who dont drink alcohol.

You may find those that drink will always say it drinking alcohol can be done properly totally disrespecting alcoholism like it doesnt exist.

My mother was functional . After divorcing my dad held a job at a library for 20 years or so before she retired. Then within 10 years the physical effects of alcohol hit home. The last 5 years of her life were spent virtually all in her bedroom with carers coming in twice a day.
She was lucky she got to just turned 65 before the proverbial hit the fan belt.
@Kazuma you might not be so lucky.

So does alcohol! I ran up so many credit cards when I was drinking that my first act after sobering up was to declare bankruptcy! I’ve got a fairly sweet home studio now and my credit cards are still in the green. Kicking booze was the first step towards having spending money for me.

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I read letters from my gt aunt’s father in law who went into hospital with alcoholic dementia in the 1920s. The evident lack of cognitive ability that came through in those letters was all too evident and heartbreaking to read.

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