I made tilapia with Slap Ya Momma seasoning for myself for dinner. Well my dad walks in while I’m eating my dinner and I said “Do you wanna taste?” So he tasted it and said “Mm. It’s good. You always put too much hot stuff on your food for me.” I said “It’s not for you.” Anyway I told him “you don’t want to taste my green beans. I put cayenne pepper in those and my nose is running.” I just put a pinch of cayenne. Just remember folks a little cayenne goes a long way.
I like hot stuff. I put habanero peppers in my spaghetti sauce, as well as my chili and chili mac. I put hot sauce in/on a lot of foods, too. I don’t think I’ve ever used cayenne, though.
I’m not good with hot food. Guy I used to see was from Nigeria and he used to choose all these spicy African foods.
I would go through like 3 cups of water for one meal haha.
It is absolutely delicious food though.
It meant to put just a bit of reaper sauce on my scrambled eggs this moring and overdid it. Was fairly crying for a few minutes after eating them.
I’m trying to find a sweet to spicy ratio with my chili recipes. Would like to add something other than brown sugar for a sweetener.
I put Tony Collander on my big azz pork chop tonight. Perfect amount of spice for a Minnesotan.
I use Sriracha hot sauce in my noodles and sometimes on omelettes. Also on asian dumplings.
A cinnamon stick is mildly sweet. I’ve never tried it but idk.
Is it pretty good?
At first I didn’t like the taste of it but now I’m getting used to it and am starting to actually like the flavor!
It’s pretty spicy but not unbearable @Loke.
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