The family Curse!

My grandfather was a workaholic and passed it down to me except I’m unemployable so I’ve basically been suffering from needing work and having none all my life.

There was about ten years I had no hobbies.

When I turned 50 I lessened up on the self imposed, society imposed work ethic. Also all those years I didn’t want to work because the jobs I’ve had were labor intensive. There was a time I could’ve worked, back in 1996. I had my job of cleaning the kitchen every night after supper…

I could talk forever on this subject but will leave it at that. It sucked.

I feel fear about my disability payments continuing because my country is trillions of dollars in debt and continues to fund wars that are not our own. WW3.

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What country are you in?

USA today and forever the empire

the debt is not an issue…one party raises it, one party lowers it…it is now lower under this president than it was when he began…don’t fear that man…we’re ok…

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Our family curse is diabetes.

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My grandmother gave birth to 4 daughters and a son. It never fails that when the whole family goes on vacation at least 1 of those 4 women will have their period. It never fails. It’s the family curse.

Another family curse is obesity. Our family reunions all you see is overweight people

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