Thanks to my generation and free sex, people aren’t getting married just for sex but in order to make a family. So the thought put into marriage is a lot greater now a days. I think that speaks well for the progress of the human race.
@chordy, the divorce rate is plummeting not because of baby boomers, who had the highest divorce rates in history, but because of Gen. Xers and the Millennials who are all determined not to get divorced like their baby boomer parents. That’s what I read from researchers anyway.
I’m saying it’s a result of free sex. That did not make for marriage successes. I understand that you and I are saying the same thing. Just in a different way.
I’ve heard with everyone going broke…isolating because of Covid 19… the divorce rate is going to skyrocket.
That’s only speculation.
It will be tested, that’s for sure. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
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