The Day My Grandmother Found Out About My Birth

It was a difficult situation in a fairly new hospital. Me and my brother were soon to come into the World in April. We were almost 2 months premature which was a serious danger in the late 1960’s. A heavy rain hit the day before we were born which was a record for the day for many decades to come. Mom was in labor for several days (yes she holds that over us) because the longer it took the better the odds for survival. Then on a Sunday we came out in the morning. I came out and was immediately grabbed by the nurses because I needed a lot of assistance to survive. My brother came out and was not breathing. He was put in a incubator. I was apart from my Mom and my twin. I wonder if that led to the separation anxiety I suffered later in life. My brother was resuscitated and was removed from the incubator and we were reunited. We’d be home a month later.
After he was assured we’d make it my Grandfather came home and checked the budding garden and tomato plants while my poor Grandmother was going through the anxiety of not knowing how things went. She finally yelled at my Grandfather asking what happened. He said, “Oh they’re fine.” She told me later she wanted to choke him.

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