The coronavirus is real!

I landed this morning in a neighbouring country and at the airport they had hardcore cameras that somehow pick body heat up I suppose!!

For a moment I actually worried that I had it lol.

ANyways, Im corona virus free which is good news !!



What happens after it has spread around the world. Is there just another type of flu but this time it kills 2.3% of people? What happened to the Spanish flu? You dont hear about it anymore.

I already have Mad Cow Disease.


This is lower than the average seasonal flu. It will mostly kill children, the sick and the elderly.

There’s absolutely no reason to panic.


The actual mad cow disease can and has spread to humans and results in a variation of the disease that is seen in cows.

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Actually children seem to be fine. The youngest death was a 9 year old. Mostly it is affecting older people.

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Older as in over 60, especially men.
We have a lady from my town laying in U. C. Davis hospital on a ventilator fighting for her life.
She has a confirmed case of the Corona virus- with no contacts to China.
I’m staying home for the next couple of weeks.

My great aunt died of the Spanish flu in 1918, she wasn’t even 30 years old and left behind 2 (twins) 9 month old daughters- although one died a month later.

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