o the suburbs, we want to be cool, we drive to the city to experience the arts and diversity and food and culture, meanwhile the city wants to come to the suburbs for the schools and lower crime rates and their own dream home. but me, i want to move out to the country, quieter, more peaceful, a good place for me to be. my only drives to town would be to get groceries and go to hospital for meds, i could get lost with my books and studies, and gardening or whatever keeps me busy
You don’t want to get too rural tho.
there’s a lot of land out there to live on if you had the courage.
I’m such a chicken I won’t even go out there in my car…
I need my Walmarts/Home Depot’s…
I love my old farm house. I can’t see my nearest neighbor. The only thing I dislike are the tourists that come down in the summer.
yeah ideally i would be at least 30 minutes from somewhere with everything i needed shopping wise.
I like a balance of all 3.
Living in the woods, in a suburban town , close To a city. I like your post tho
For me I wanna go back to the ocean
if i didnt want to start a homestead/farm business, the ocean would be my top choice as well.
How much does a little dingy cost these days with a trailer. I can take it out at night and go fishing around here in the sound. Maybe I will next year. Start saving up for it
I wouldn’t even need a motor. It’s be better exercise with oars
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