I still think that the world situation has been becoming more unstable since about 2014.
I had a few moments today before I drove to work when Clint Barton’s quote from Avengers kept going through my head: “The City is Flying… And I’m carrying a bow and arrow. None of this makes any sense. But, I’m going out there because it’s my job.”
I have a feeling that I’m going to feel like that many more times over the next few years.
Hah, 2014 is when I caught schizophrenia. Voices told me how WW3 starts in about twenty yeaes from then. So yeah, tell me how things turned for worse since.
I recently talked to a young man who joined the US military around 2014 about some of the destabilizing influences at that time. Some of them were in eastern Europe, where you seem to be, of course.
Age of Ultron was released in 2015, and it seems to feature an invasion of an eastern European nation which sets off a threat to world stability. I don’t think that is a coincidence. The flying city also becomes a sort of artificial island, a little like those constructed in the western pacific.
I have been so removed from society that I didn’t know about the Avengers. So I looked it up on Amazon.com and found a movie. I think its the original one, from 2012. I just watched it.
I think of it as a fantasy about love of power and toughness, which is fine. It was entertaining.
I’m glad you found it entertaining. I think that the main goal of Marvel/Disney was to make the 23 movies entertaining and money-making. When so many artists work on stories over more than 50 years though, I think we would lose track of all the things the stories are ‘about.’
The city is flying. I think that in the instability, some classes of people in the US have already lost their minds. Even without formally diagnosed psychosis.
That is extremely interesting, if true. If your colleague was an expert who can work robots, then I doubt he lived in sewers where murder is a common occurrence.
I looked a little for articles about how the murder rate has risen dramatically in the US this year, but they seem to get heavily involved in politics, which is forbidden here.
Christopher Titus did some funny comedy about how “normal” people lose their minds during problems or instability. You can Google “there’s no one guarding the Lexus dealership” or “normal people scare me” plus his name.
Many people here are accustomed to some instability. But, I think the majority of very powerful and successful people in the US have been accustomed to stability their whole lives, and have already lost their minds in this instability.
So, I googled a question about what to do if my neighbor’s house is burning down. Should I stand by to evacuate in case the fire spreads? I get a bunch of results about whose financial fault it is.
Google seems so useless sometimes, especially if a search is related to money.
Maybe I’m fear deficient from antipsychotics, but I think I’m going to try to go back to sleep.