I will appreciate whatever screenwriter turns this around and has the character expecting a baby, survive.
What are you talking abouuuutt?
The movie character that has a baby on the way, always dies at the end
I didn’t take my meds yesterday as a side note
Did not notice that. I thought it was the oposite, maybe is the genres you’re watching? I just don’t watch sad stuff anymore, I had a Lars von Trier phase and it ■■■■■■me up
And why is that? (angry mother tone of voice)
Haha, sorry Mom, I just didn’t feel like it.
Well I hope you feel like taking them today. Would hate to watch you go through serious ■■■■. You had a mild psychotic episode last week, remember that…
You’re right Min, I will take them today. Thanks for looking out for me.
It seems like in horror movies, the more sexually active a character is, the more likely it will be killed off, but I haven’t noticed pregnant characters being killed off before.
It’s usually the father of the child. But yes I agree with you about the sexually active thing
In my wife’s soap operas when somebody is expecting they normally have a miscarriage. If the baby survives he/she becomes of school age in about a year.
If you remember your meds you won’t have to think about stuff like this.
Btw, don’t ever google image search miscarriage unless you feel like puking!
Oh gosh, imagine if the character expecting a baby has only one case left to finish before retirement!!!
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