I think that my jealousy towards the man that I am obsessed with and his wife boomerangs back towards me in the form of mean voices. This is either the result of pure karma or this couple’s retribution via harmful magic.
I made the mistake of googling his wife and saw an annoying picture of them smiling together all lovey dovey on the beach. In his eyes, I think he is crying out for help, at least to get out of taking another forced picture that she wants.
Yeah. I too, spent a long time obsessed with someone who just, if I had been thinking objectively, obviously did not love me back. Best to cut them from your life entirely, and focus on finding someone who clearly communicates interest in you. If it is real love, you won’t have to parse through the signs to try and find it. It will just be there, no guesswork required.
I feel that “one-itis” is a common affliction of schizophrenics. You harken back to a time when you were healthier and had more pull, when romantic interests were more possible, so when you unfortunately become schizophrenic, you cling to the idea of the last person who expressed that interest.
I can’t tell you how to move on though, it’s pretty painful to lower your standards, and I don’t necessarily think you have to, if you can figure out how to attain rock-solid stability.
Generally lowering standards is the path of least resistance though.
Good insight @naturallycured. Boy I am having a weird day. About 20 minutes ago, a voice inside my head said something about the path of least resistance too.
Yea I used to be obsessed with this guy and then he was in my psychosis. I still get self conscious around him so the battle is not yet won. But at least I’m not obsessed anymore. So that’s good. Shows that things can change
I had someone I was madly obsessed with as a teenager and young adult. It took me ages to get over them (10 years or so) and sometimes I still dream of them. The best thing I did was confess to them that I had really strong feelings for her and asked if there was ever feelings reciprocated. Getting it out in the open and learning how things went from her point of view really helped me stop fixating on her and stick more to facts.
I wouldn’t necessarily advise that you do the same as I cant gaurentee that you’ll get a satisfactory reaction. But I can sympathise at least. Try and remember that everyone deserves happiness, and if they are happy and you consider them a friend, you should be happy for them too.