Really love working out at the local gym in the morning. Every morning i wake up hop in the car, get a mocha frappe and head to the gym. I don’t do anything too strenuous and the hours that i go it is not too busy. Does anyone out there work out or like to work out?
I am a lazy potato and I hate it but I do it because I’m trying to keep the weight gain from my meds down to a minimum.
but now that I think about it, a good work out gives me a sense of accomplishment.
have a good day xx
mocha frappe sounds heavenly btw
I walk a lot everyday - to be honest I think its because the Risperdal is still causing some Akathisia/Agitation in me - but at least Im keeping fit
me too. love working out but i do it at home.
this way i can work out at 4 a.m. and then do other things like hobbies in the evening.
it’s been a while a long while since i have tried anything strenuous due to a small but painful injury.
when do you sleep then?
I workout like Im paid to kill people (are terrorists even people?).
well wait that was a little rough around the edges.
I love working out because it is a very disciplined and healthy lifestyle as well as a good use of my time, that and it helps with my mood and anxiety. If I feel bad, working out helps my self-esteem because the average person cannot lift what I do and never will.
Im working on cardio, I am more of a power oriented physique (Im 5ft7 185lbs) and managed three 8min miles today. I quit smoking two months ago, that helped. I dont think I could have ran fifty feet back in like April.
I was about to join ROTC and have a great career killing terrorists when I got slammed with psychosis NOS. I have been in aggressive physical condition (when I was smoking, I was also powerlifting and bodybuilding pretty hardcore) since I was 14. Late teens were my peak- I had stamina, strength, power, and skill. Now I have a bit rusty yet still lethal skills, mediocre stamina, and excellent power.
That explains the working out part of my life. Now I do it for health and out of boredom- I get bored very easily and move from one thing to another very quickly around the house or on my phone or computer. I dont get bored whilst studying psychology. Exception to the rule.
I work out at the gym 3 times a week. Have been for about 10 years. I’ve lost 45 pounds and 38.5 inches. I’m at 117 pounds now which is good enough for me. Congratulations to all of us who take steps to do what we can about our physical health.
Possibly it helps force the negative chemicals through thw brain.
Thats what I use to think anyways, now im just looking foreword to the end of the tunnel.
I’m a workout person. lately I always feel like my body is falling apart!
But I try and stay positive and hope I find a happy medium.
hi lotus. i go to sleep early early like 8 p.m. i love my schedule but it is kind of weird i suppose. judy