The affect of my boyishness

Was that it seemed to cool the red hot nightmare my father was in (due to war).

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how is that?


Because he had a need for male companionship. And had a fear of girls. He was traumatized by being a child in a bombed city during WW1. He never overcame castration fears, so a boyish girl seemed to look like that and I had to pretend I was just as happy that way. Crazy but true.

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A boyish girl seemed to look like what?

A castrated boy.

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that sounds delicious.

Lol I’m so confused

Hopefully, father thought more of me than a chicken. But he did know war atrocities so I could never be sure.

it affected women more so than men, even though they were the ones on the battlefield.

of course I wouldn’t know the full details.

I only know war secondarily through living with my Dad. He was tense, paranoid and often foolish.

Poor thing.


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