That's why I have mainly positive experience with voices

That’s true, schizophrenia is a very broad illness. Can’t hope for a singular cure for 100% of us.

My headache seems to be from a cerebro-spinal fluid leak that I developed after hitting the back of my head on the stairs in 2015. It gets worse when I sit up and better when I lie down, which suggests that it is from low pressure. I need a doctor’s opinion though, and I didn’t bring the theory up with my neurologist. I thought I could just brave it out and it’s not getting much better.

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I think you should talk to your neurologist about it. Maybe they can give you some insight. The headache’s not getting any better? I’m so sorry. That must be awful.

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Voices can get real friendly but in the end they are nothing but parasites in our brain. They don’t let us think clearly and they steal up precious mental resources.
I don’t want to sit on my arse all day talking to imaginary friends. I prefer real ones. Visible, tangible, and reliable. I also enjoy long silent moments and with voices that was not possible. Thank God they went away.

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