That slimy hairy Okra

I like this as much as sinking my teeth in to a juicy bug :bug:

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Pizza now we are talking

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Haha I know the feeling, we eat it cooked with meat, tomatoes and rice.

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We bake our okra before cooking it so it’s not slimy.


I like Okra… we have it with steamed fish…

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I was a little worried of what I might see if I opened this thread.


Lol :joy::joy::joy:

151515 1515

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I love me some fried okra !! always get it at chicken express here in town…

I like fried okra. Slimy stewed okra I hate. I had this Mexican friend in the army who had worked harvesting produce in the fields. He said the worst crop to harvest was okra, because it had all these little spines all over the separate vegetable pieces. He said you got these spines all over your hands, and then if you wiped your face with your hands you would get these spines all over your face. I’ve worked hauling hay before, but I believe harvesting produce is worse, because a worker is bent over the whole time they’re harvesting. I know I don’t have the manual dexterity to keep up in that kind of work. Workers sometimes die in the fields from overwork.


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