Thank God I didn’t take the CBD!

I decided to call the pharmacist to see if there were any drug interactions between my medications and CBD.
The pharmacist said that there was a serious drug interaction between Depakote and CBD.

I looked it up and it can cause severe liver damage!

Glad I checked with the pharmacy before jumping to take the CBD.

I’ve decided to take some Klonopin instead.


I take Klonopin daily and find it helps. I hope it helped you. :fish::fish::fish:

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Yeah it settled me down a bit.
Going to take it from now on.
I’ve been a wreck with this Coronavirus situation.


Thanks for the heads up, bro.

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Are you on Depakote?

I’m so glad you called! I always either call or look up drug interactions.

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I have tried everything else than medication and nothing works. I tried CBD and it only made me worse, feeling exhausted and sleepy. These are side effects of CBD.

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No, but I could be in the future.

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I would kill for some klonopin…haha

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