Tempted to dive headfirst into conspiracy theories

It’s a dangerous road for me to go on, especially considering I’ve been having some delusional ideas pop up. I’m afraid I’m going to die


Yeah not a good idea. Trouble with the internet in general is that you don’t need anything to back up your argument. Sure you can do that in real life but people can call you out.

With sz peeps your just adding to other things and feeding delusions. Good you can spot it and know you don’t need too. That is a really good sign. I can see the attraction though. Be strong.


It sometimes helps me to check out obviously ridiculous conspiracy theories, like birds aren’t real or flat earth. Seeing how strongly people believe such nonsense helps me remember that my conspiracy theories look equally as ridiculous to sane folks. I don’t know if that would help you or just trigger you further though. It’s just what helps me.


I still dabble in conspiracy theories and the paranormal. Its mostly just for fun anyways, i dont think anything in my life would change if the earth was flat or that theres telepathic aliens wearing human skin suits walking among us. It would just be another day for me.

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