I agree with you , Turning…, he is the best man for the job. He is nowhere near dumb…he is a world renowned neurosurgeon and has led an amazing life…Read his book , “GIFTED HANDS” to learn more about his story.
Just because he is a man of faith does not make him a moron. He is a class act. Doesn’t and won’t sling mud or enter the ruckus in a debate…Just waits until he is asked to have a say…not out of stupidity, Out of dignity. Our country needs someone like him to pull us out of the toilet flushing vortex we are in now.
He also thinks it’s possible for prison to make a person gay (even though scientific evidence proves otherwise), that the Egyptian pyramids were built for grain storage (even though scientific evidence proves otherwise), I’m not looking back to reference more of his “brilliance” because ■■■■ that. Yes, he was a neurosurgeon and that takes a great amount of intelligence. Which is why it’s odd that he’s so incredibly DUMB!
I came across an article that had some evidence he was tied to an extreme homophobic
hate group. I think he’s intelligent and articulate, yet still has a lot of prejudice in his heart. And that is not because he’s a Christian. Even a lot of conservative Christians and Catholics are opening up to the gay community.