
Do you believe its from technology? Like government or the illuminati has it?

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That’s what I worry about.

It’s been described before the industrial revolution. Sadly poor reporting back when most people couldn’t read makes it hard to keep tabs on. Still. The illumanti is just rubbish. Yeah there’s mega rich people but they aren’t organised. They are stealing from each other to become more rich and elite.

Don’t buy into the bs. Take the pills and get well.

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A lot of tech was born out of war.

Nuclear, jet engines, GPS etc

What next? Who knows.

I am suspicious of the level of advancement being by chance.

There is something going on here, but I don’t think archaic explanations such as Illuminati are a good enough reason…

I believe: wHaT dOeSn’T kIlL mE, mAkEs mE sTrAnGeR!

I’m Just A Head On The Curb …

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